Monday, September 4, 2017

Being Honest with Nursing School: Non-nursing Friends

Now, of course everyone has lives outside of nursing school, they're just a little more difficult to lead during the semester. 

You have exams every week, a job, studying to do, and discussion posts to complete. Your schedule piles up quickly and even though you hate to admit it, you don't have time to go out as much as you would like. 

This situation can be extremely foreign to your non-nursing school friends, and it's honestly a lifestyle that they will have to grow accustomed to as you go through your program.

I mean, there's a reason why memes like these were created, right?

I have certainly had to remind my friends of my jam-packed schedule during the semester. Going out all the time with friends is fun, but when it gets in the way of getting good grades and reaching your goals, that is when a line needs to be drawn. 

But, when they're your true friends they will completely understand that you are not free every weekend, and will be cheering you on when you tell them about your passing scores!

Also, always remember that you are due some regular free time and you shouldn't push your friends out of your life due to stress. I know that it can seem easier to shut yourself off from the world when you have piling due dates to deal with, but your friends are there to support you and you should do the same for them. 

I hope that this post was helpful if you are feeling overwhelmed with the start of your semester. Thank you for reading!

- Michelle

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