Monday, December 11, 2017

An Open Letter: Thank You Nursing School

Some say that when a relationship ends it is best to write all of your feelings in a letter. It will allow you to open your mind to express yourself without stumbling over spoken words or wrestling with silent thoughts. 

My relationship with nursing school is probably the most difficult relationship I have encountered in life to date. Yes, even more difficult than any relationship with any boyfriend I've had in my young-adult life. So, as I sit down today, December 11th, 2017 to take my last final exam of my Nursing School career, a very-long term relationship is ending. In honor of that fact, I have written a letter. 

"Dear Nursing School, 

I find it most appropriate to say: Thank You. 

Throughout my full four and a half years as a college student with a declared major in nursing I have grown a tremendous amount as a person and I do indeed thank you for assisting in molding me into the woman that I am in this very moment. You have taught me how to fight, push, work, enjoy, love, improve after failure, and inspire. 

All of the wonderful people you have put in my path to keep, not just as friends but as family, have brought me so much joy that I could not even begin to list out the memories that I have with each and every one of those individuals. It is not a secret that without my Nursing School Family I would not be the scholar, worker, or individual that I am today. God brings everyone the right people at the right moments, and you have shown me that time and again, Nursing School. 

Throughout all of the courses that you have required me to take I have experienced a tremendous amount of knowledge, that of which I will be able to transfer on through serving others - a gift that I hold very dearly. All of the tests that you made me take allowed me to learn the important lessons of perseverance, determination, and passion with a much greater understanding. Not every major has their students study the amount of hours that you do, Nursing School, but it was quality time well spent. 

Alongside paper exams with multiple choice and select all questions, you have tested me even further at the bedside during clinical. Having that hands on experience with patients, growing in comfort level with different nursing skills and patient interaction are things that I will carry with me until I end my nursing career. Even then, as the saying goes: Once a nurse, always a nurse. 

Thank you, nursing school.

Now, although there were a lot of amazing clinical opportunities, there were plenty of times when I felt alone and defeated, Nursing School. The amount of tears that I have shed over you is perhaps an embarrassing amount. However, being a true relationship means that there will always be trials and tribulations between success and celebration.
One of the hardest lessons that you have taught me is patience. The continuation of our relationship for an additional six months was one of the hardest realities I have had to face in my educational career. However, the last six months with you, Nursing School, has been the best six months of my college career. You have shown me that "being late" isn't always a bad thing, there are opportunities behind every corner, and practice makes perfect. I am glad that we were able to stick it out for another six months. The true test of a solid relationship is how you get through difficult times together - Nursing School, I think we've got everyone beat!

I want you to know that I will always hold a very large space in my heart for you. I will never forget you, and I will cherish the memories that I have from the past four and a half years. You have been an amazing provider of growth, knowledge and experience - ones that I could not imagine getting anywhere else. 

However, it is time for me to move on. Although life will be so completely different and odd without you, I must transition and enter the next chapter of my book. I will look back fondly of our time together, flip through the seemingly endless pages of photos I have of us, and certainly keep in close touch with our mutual friends. I'll even check back with the few that still see you every day - just to see how you're doing - don't give them too much trouble though. 

I love you. 

- Michelle"

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