Monday, September 25, 2017

Remaining Positive in Nursing School

We all have those moments where we doubt our capabilities - whether it be in the classroom or in the clinical setting. I myself have had plenty of tearful nights studying when I felt I just didn't know as much as I should, and many questionable moments during clinical where I gave myself very high expectations to live up to. It is very important to move past those moments of self doubt and remain positive in nursing school so that you can be a successful student and blossom into a fantastic nurse. 

The first thing that all nursing students should know is that it is perfectly normal to doubt yourself throughout the program. You will have moments where things get very frustrating, you feel behind in your work, or it seems like you can't impress your clinical nurse preceptor no matter how good a job you are doing. I believe that it is absolutely imperative that you soak those moments in, live through them, and grow from them because adversity breeds greatness and you will never grow if you are never challenged. 

Now, another important fact is that you should not overly-dwell or live in those states of self-doubt. Growing into a compentent nurse that will be calling doctors on the phone and challenging orders requires you to pick yourself up from every fall and grow a tougher skin. I am certainly a soft-spoken individual, but I have also had my fair share of moments that have made me become stronger. During this rotation of clinical I have found that I have just completely jumped into the new environment. Previously, I would try and wide within the shadows and take a back-burner approach to being with my preceptor. However, now I completely realize that this is my time to grow, shine and learn while I am at my facility, and only I have control over what I get out of this experience. 

If you spend the majority of your nursing career feeling not confident, nervous, and shy you will not get the best out of your experience. Remember that every second you spend in nursing school is molding you into the professional that you will have to be once you get hired as a RN.  

Always remember that you have more time (unless it's the last week of the semester and your final is coming up). If you get a bad grade on an exam, you have every right to throw a pitty party that evening and eat your weight's worth in ice cream to swallow your feelings. However, it is so important that the next day you pick yourself off, look at the readings for the next class and start preparing. I don't know of a nursing student that has done perfectly on every single exam - so know that you are not alone. 

It is not the failures that make a great person, but the opportunities and advancements they make from that failure. No one is perfect, but your effort and determination has to be there. 

On a lighter note, I am notorious for looking up inspirational quotes in times of stress. Reading Pinterest posts that lay out motivational quotes always bring me back to reality and provide me the focus that I need in order to succeed. If Pinterest is not your thing, find a source of motivation for yourself because surrounding yourself with positive influences will  naturally make your nursing school journey more positive. 

 The last tip I have about remaining positive in nursing school is looking ahead to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and viewing the big picture. Yes, when you're in the middle of your semester it can seem like this torture is never going to end. However, nursing school only takes up 2 years of your life and you are going to make it through! I promise! 

Picture yourself as a new graduate nurse, working on a unit and not only starting to make actual money, but helping people in their true hours of need. I love being able to envision myself as an actual nurse one day. If you are able to see the timeline and view the goal at the end you can bring yourself back to reality and see that nursing school will not last forever. 

Remaining positve throughout nursing school can be difficult, especially when you have normal life problems being thrown at you the same week that you are trying to prepare for a difficult exam. Just remember to breathe, taking life day by day and before you know it, you will be set for life and working in your dream facility!

Thank you so much for reading, I hope that this post was able to help some nursing students who might be stuck in a rut about the semester. You can always message me on my Instagram page (@BSNbabe95) to private message me for advice and tips on how to make it through nursing school.

We are all in the same boat, so jump in!

- Michelle

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