Wednesday, September 27, 2017

My Fitness Journey: Staying Healthy In Nursing School

Staying fit in nursing school can be extremely difficult - trust me, I know. 

The long nights studying.
The minimal sleep.
The ever convenient vending machines in the hospital or school lounges. 
The insane amount of studying, which allows the opportunity to excuse the gym.

I personally did not start going to the gym until my second semester of nursing school, when I was 19. It took a lot of persuasion from my friends to finally get me in there - and let me tell ya, it was rough. I was certainly that awkard person who didn't know where to start, and didn't know how to use anything (despite having the directions posted on every machine in the entire building.)

I continued my gym journey for the following year and a half and began to fall in love with it. I was even that crazy girl that went to the gym at 4:30 am when it opened to get in a solid work out before class at 8. 

However, this summer I stopped going to the gym. I didn't want to take the drive and I basically got lazy. I also started eating. And eating. And eating. 

To the point where now I am 10 - 15 pounds overweight. 

Drawing the line there, I am now determined to get back into the gym and live a healthier life. I loved the way I looked when I went to the gym, and I want to get that body back. 

Trust me, trying to stay fit is not the easiest thing in nursing school - but it can be done, and for the next few months you can watch me continue my fitness journey as I restart. 

The first thing that I am doing to start my "return" is to eat healthier. I am eating more salad, more fruit and desperately staying away from all of the processed snacks that I love so dearly. Calories are my biggest enemy because I have become a fan of large portions. (Hey, a girl wants what she wants haha). 

I need to start coming up with creative ideas on what to pack for lunch on campus. I do not want to stick to the boring old sandwich routine, so I will be sure to look to Pinterest for cool, interesting and tasty ideas on what I can pack for lunch. 

I also find grocery shopping for healthy, creative snacks to be difficult for an on-the-go situation. I always seem to gravitate towards the same items, and after a while it can get boring.  

I still need to drink more water, but that's a battle for a different day....

The second thing that I really need to do is get consistent with the gym again. Through my nurse Instagram journey I have followed a ton of nurses who document their in-home fitness routine and their healthy meal choices. These influencers have insanely inspired me to try working out at home when I am not out and about and already near the gym. I honestly was a skeptical of at home work outs, but these real women are getting real results and it's so inspiring to see their progress and determination. 

If you are intimidated about starting to go to the gym and do not have a gym buddy to ease the fret, try working out at home. Buy some weights of your choice at Target or Walmart, go home and look up fitness routines. There are a ton swirling the internet right now, all free for your choosing! 

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