Friday, September 29, 2017

Being Honest with Nursing School: Being Single

Personally, I have always found having a relationship in nursing school to be difficult to balance. (And yet, I kept doing it haha). Whether it be the immaturity on both parties due to age, the stresses of always being busy, or distance: things never seemed to work out between me and the guy I found at the time.

After not passing last semester and having to repeat I have "vowed" to be single until graduation and the passing of my NCLEX. However, that can lead to a lot of boring, lonely periods of time for the six months of the semester, and the natural desire for a boyfriend can easily creep up.

Although I do feel lonely at times, I am overall grateful for my decision to not pursue anything with anyone. (I've talked with a few boys throughout my recent single life, but nothing has come of it) Currently not having a boyfriend means that I can essentially do what I want and not have to "answer to anyone". I have always felt pressure to keep up communication and constantly see my significant other or crush, but sometimes I just didn't have the time or desire to do so due to my giant workload and large cloud of stress hanging over my head. It's nice to have a period of time where I can do what I want to do and not have to update anyone on my day. And for that matter, not have to be updated on anyone's day.

I know that can sound harsh, but it's just nice to have to only deal with myself. Also, the elimination of any potential drama (you know how boys can get), is really nice. I don't have to worry about having my feelings hurt because of a comment that wasn't fully thought out, or feel down in the dumps because I have to sit in and study on a Saturday when I really want to be out with my boyfriend.

If you are currently struggling to maintain a relationship while in nursing school, the advice that I learned after failing my Spring 2017 Semester (from personally being too enamored with a boy to really pay the level of attention I needed to in school) is: put school first. Trust me, another boy will come into your life, but you do not want to put your own life on hold for another six months and have the extra expense of paying for another semester. I definitely bit the bullet when I paid for my extra semester of school, and it was a very solid lesson learned. 

Throughout the past four or five months of being single and really engrossing myself into school work and this blog/Instagram/Youtube social media journey, I have found myself again and have encountered a lot of personal growth. I am thankful for being single at this time because it has allowed me to explore a whole new avenue of myself that I had always wanted, but forgot to explore due to crushing on boys or temporarily falling in love. (A boy with a cute face and a nice set of arms can certainly take your mind away from writing a blog post about nursing haha).

After I pass NCLEX, land a job, and get my adult life rolling I am exciting to see what life will bring me in the dating world. I am certainly a hopeless romantic at heart, so I can't wait to see where life takes me in the land of love (insert laughing face emoji here because that was just too cheesy).

However, in the mean time I will be studying, writing blog posts, sharing my nursing school/nurse story and letting life take me where I need to be at that time.

If you are currently in a successful relationship in nursing school: Congratulations! I wish I could have accomplished that (seemingly impossible in today's current age) feat. Also, props to you to kicking booty in nursing school alongside maintaining a relationship! It's something I've never mastered.

If you are currently single in nursing school: That is perfectly fine, you will find the right person at the right time, and when you do everything will fall into place. Focus on yourself and your degree first - that is most important at this time! The boys will certainly follow suit once you're wearing your adorable scrubs and spitting out information like it's no big deal. Remember, smart is sexy!

I hope that this post is able to shed some light on my personal life, my own journey, and inspire those who might be down in the dumps over being single right now. I know it can get annoying being in your early 20's, wanting to have everything, but not getting it right now. Relationships come and go and you will find the perfect person for you at the just the right time. Focus on school, get that degree, make money and make a difference in the world. Those are what is important right now in the grand scheme of your life!


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