Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Back to School: Time Management Tips

The first Friday after my first week of nursing school I was completely overwhelmed. Syllabi for Pharmacology, Pathophysiology, Fundamentals and my English course were strewn about my desk while a giant yearly desk calendar sat right in the middle. I had different colored pens and highlighters out trying to make sense of the four different schedules I had to compile into one streamline calendar. My best friend from high school was fervently texting me about when she was free next so we could hang out, but all I could think of was the mounting level of work I had to make sense of over night.

Nursing school can certainly hit you like a ton of bricks so perfecting your personal time management skills is very important. This skill is learned in different time frames for different people, but one thing is for sure: You certainly need to have it together when you are a working RN. 

The first tip to help with time management is to get a planner or calendar. My first semester of nursing school I used both a giant desk calendar and a personal planner. My desk calendar was for a quick morning glance of the day's activities, while the personal planner was for my backpack at school. A huge part of staying organized means keeping track of the things you need to do - and writing them down is the best way to stay on track. As a nurse you'll always have a list of things to do for your handful of patients - pass medication, give baths, assess/re-assess, monitor lab values and patient conditions, and call physicians or keep up with procedure schedules. 

Things can get very overwhelming and daunting when you don't have it all written out. Plus, think of how amazing it will feel when you get to cross off each item on your to-do list after it's completed. I know I love that feeling!

The second tip about time management I have is to ask for help. Sometimes you just can't do it completely on your own and you need your friends or family to help you. There's a reason they always say that nursing is a team - because it really is. While you're stuck trying to explain to someone why they need to take their anti-hypertensive medication, your nurse friend can give your other patient water (their fifth call light request in a half hour). In my opinion - you can't get through nursing school or nursing without a team.

If one of your non-nursing school friends is dying to hang out with you but you have to study for an upcoming exam - make a deal with them. Ask them to quiz you on certain things you need help with while you're hanging out. You're catching up with your old friend and getting closer to achieving your dreams all in one!

The third time management tip I have is to learn how to do things effectively. We all have our own routines, and if you find the one that suits you best then run with it! In one of my clinical experiences there was a nurse that always struggled with time management - either she was late to the unit, late setting up her patient rooms, or couldn't juggle her patient load when she had a full schedule. She had not mastered her full-proof routine yet and it completely showed. This step might take some time, trial and error, and practice but once you get it down pat you'll be golden. 

The fourth time management tip I have for nursing school is to block out your schedules. Having three full-course load classes like I did my first nursing school semester was so hard to balance. I had an exam or quiz (or multiple) every week, so trying to pick and choose which one to spend more time on was very difficult. Try to study early for your exams or quizzes (that's something I've always struggled with!). But having started early on studying means that you're not cramming for three things all at once (even though it might feel like you are!).

The fifth time management tip I have is to utilize your empty time. There have been plenty nights where I just did not want to sit in bed with the lights on and a book in my lap anymore. I would turn the lights off and pull up study guides or recorded lectures on my phone or computer and read/listen to those while I drifted off to sleep. I could have used that time to browse social media, but it's always better to be productive when you can! 

Thank you so much for reading this blog post! I greatly appreciate it and I hope that I was able to offer you some advice on time management before school starts again!

- Michelle

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