Friday, August 18, 2017

Back to School: Words of Wisdom for Every Nursing Student

This upcoming Monday I begin my first day of my last semester of nursing school (part 2). Thinking about all of the crazy adventures, long nights of studying, and future life lessons I have ahead of me until December 11th I figured I would write down words of wisdom I've gathered throughout my past two years of nursing school. (Sometimes I could use a reminder as much as someone new could use this list for the first time).

1. Always be open to making new friends - you'll never know who could be your next best friend in nursing school. 

2. Become friendly with your professors - they might need to warm up to you at first, but it's best to make a relationship with your teachers and other faculty members. If you're more than just a face in the class to them they are more inclined to give you advice and resources like great letters of recommendation for scholarships or job interviews.

3. Study - my favorite quote is: "Student, you do not study to pass the test. You study to prepare for the day when you are the only thing between a patient and the grave."

4. Make time for yourself. If you're burnt out and overworked you won't be able to study when you need to. The information won't enter your brain. 

5. Your study groups very well might become life-long friends. I've met so many amazing people throughout the years in nursing school, all of different years and ages. When you make study groups they basically become your second family because you spend so much time with them. 

6. Learn form your mistakes. Didn't pass your first nursing exam of the semester? Couldn't remember how to do that skill in the hospital? Go home, re-group, and try again. Attempt a different study approach or ask to study with different people. Review your skill check-off list before you walk into clinical. Failing something isn't the end of the world as long as you use that as an opportunity to do better next time. 

7. Don't put relationships ahead of your school work. I've heard this for years and years and it finally caught up to me my last semester of nursing school this past spring. Being in a relationship is great - but make sure you have balance in your life and study as much as you need to to make the grade that you need to pass. Don't put yourself six months behind on your dream for a relationship that might not last long term. 

8. Get involved as much as you can. Your school journey will feel more well-rounded if you involve yourself outside of the classroom as much as you can. Plus, it looks good on your resume.

9. Ask for help. You should never be too shy or prideful to ask for help. I have always been sure to ask for help when I don't know something because I would rather find out the correct way then make a possibly detrimental mistake on a patient!

10.  Be a team player. Do your own work in a group and always be appreciative of others' hard work. We all have busy lives and your ability to put in proper work will go a long way with your peers, professors, and future employers. The worst thing you can do in nursing school is truly mooch off of other people. Make sure to contribute to making study group study guides and always be on time with group presentation deadlines. Also, in the clinical setting nurses really appreciate a student that tries to go above and beyond helping the team. 

Thank you so much for reading this blog post! I greatly appreciate it and I hope that I was able to offer you some advice before school starts again!

- Michelle

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